Summertime is Beach Time at Laurie’s

Summer without the beach is like winter without fleece blankets. Or fall without crisp, orange leaves. Or spring without the robins. In other words, it stinks. And even if you can’t get to the beach this season, you can bring the beach to you with summertime décor...


If you are a frequent flyer at Laurie’s you’ve probably come to notice how dedicated we are to providing seaside-themed furnishings, accessories, art, lamps, mirrors…. you name it and we have it year round. BEACH INSPIRATION We have many clients who...

Comforts of the Sea

If you were lucky enough to get some sand between your toes this Spring Break— have we got some momentos for you! We’ve made it pretty darn easy for you to deck your home out with a calming seascape in mind. To bring the comforts of sea to the comfort of...

Suzie Sells Sea Shells

How fabulous would a sea-themed Christmas tree be? Opalescent shell ornaments, bulap ribbon, sea grass, glass ornaments filled with sand and of course a starfish adorning the top. You’ll love it so much that you’ll have to design a room around the concept!...

The Beach

There may be a shortage of water around these days but there’s no shortage of beach-themed bliss here on the showroom floor. Makes you want to curl up and watch “Something’s Gotta Give” with Diane Keaton & Jack Nicholson. Comfy, stylish...