The contest has ended. Thanks to everyone who entered. The baby name will be announced when she is born- should be any day now! Stay tuned to see if you won!

Ginny’s having a baby! And why should you care? Because it could net you a $1,500 Laurie’s gift card!

Before we get to the nitty-gritty details of the $1,500 gift card, we should probably fill you in on some other pertinent info. Like who the heck Ginny is.

baby2Ginny is a member of Laurie’s media team, and her baby’s due right around Thanksgiving! She’s very mysterious- for instance, we can never seem to get a picture of her face. Everyone’s pretty much over the moon about Ginny’s new bundle of joy, especially Laurie who gets to be an Aunt again!

Despite all the joy kicking around, we do have a slight issue on the table. It’s the baby’s name. Laurie thinks the new baby girl should be named Rainbow, while Sydney says Olga is the way to go. This is where we need your help. This is also where the contest comes in. No one knows the actual name yet- like we said, Ginny is mysterious.

Guess the Baby’s Name Contest

The Guess the Baby’s Name Contest lets you guess the baby’s name. If you’re right, you win a $1,500 gift card for Laurie’s. If multiple people guess the name, it’s first come first serve. Only one entry per person.

To enter, you just need to do two things:

  • Follow Laurie on Pinterest (her boards are a prize themselves)
  • Fill out the contest form below, submitting your guess and contact info

Cool, huh? Can’t wait to see your guess!


Sorry to our friends over-seas, but the contest is only valid for US residents. 

The contest ends when the baby arrives or November 11, whichever comes first. Good luck!