
Only one thing can truly calm, soothe and delight you after a long, laborious day in the world. And no, we’re not talking about a martini. We’re talking about luxurious bedding, and Laurie’s has plenty of it. Better yet, it’s on sale Aug 17-31!

Treat Your Senses

Good bedding is a feast for the senses, starting with the eyes. When you spy a sweetly made bed, something inside you begs you to jump in, curl up and sigh. Piles of pillows perfectly plumped, perched perkily atop a plush comforter and crisp, cool layers of sheets.


You remember your childhood and getting tucked in. You remember your childhood, safe from monsters in the closet. You remember the store display bed that lured you to hop on top – and how you found it was a wooden plank and your knees hurt for days (not so at Laurie’s).


Then comes the aroma, the delightful smell of summer evenings, the soft scent of freshness that wafts gently from the sheets. You nestle, snuggle deeper, your cocoon against the world, with its silky enrapture and your woes somewhere far.


You melt into the bed, as the mattress fully grounds you, the sheets and caress and calm you, as you drift off to sleep.

Treat Yourself 

Whether you’re a big fan of Bella Notte and Pom Pom or more inclined to recline on Lili Alessandra, Traditions Linens and Pine Cone Hill, selections from hot brands are on sale at Laurie’s.


Enjoy the cozy, safe, comfy and altogether heavenly experience of topnotch linens.