plantscollage v2

Last June, Laurie and the girls made a quick trip out to San Fransisco to work with one of the major suppliers in the floral business.  Due to the volume of greenery the store and the design teams were running through, it was time to “get going” with 40 containers direct from factory.  Laurie does not like cheap/box store looking plants and therefore felt the need to explain to our floral friends what works best in Tomball.

After arduous, even at times annoying, follow through (nothing is easy in the world wide importing business) we have finally received our first foray into the plant business.

Come see the enormous tent-full at
Laurie’s inaugural
Spring Fling
April 11-13 on the east lawn.   

Well-priced.  Direct to us. Nowhere else.
It is our own special plant stand.

And for those inquiring minds:  Yes. Laurie and the girls made a quick trip through the Sonoma wine area.  Laurie was disappointed.  She wanted to see the original William Sonoma store and a barn full of Ralph Lauren finds.  No such luck.  Good eats.  Good wine. Great scenery.  Uninspiring retail.  When the team returns we plan to explore more remote locations.  We will keep you posted.