It was a tough call at this spring’s High Point Market. The tough call was who enjoyed it more: Laurie or Flat Stanley?


None of this will make any sense unless you know what the heck we’re talking about. So let’s back up a bit.

High Point Market is a brilliant bonanza of home furnishing goodies on display twice a year in High Point, North Carolina. It’s the largest industry trade show in the world.



Flat Stanley is a sweet yet flat little boy who comes from a children’s book of the same name. School children send him around to pals and relatives where he gets photographed in the coolest places, like High Point Market. He’s then sent back to the kids who record Stan’s adventures and probably stick the photos on a bulletin board.


Laurie is, well, you know Laurie.

So Laurie and Stan went to High Point, and the tough call was
who had more fun?



As always, Laurie was thrilled to be treasure-hunting and idea-gathering at the market. Inspiration on display in every nook and cranny. Tables and chairs and lamps and textiles and all things that make a décor damsel drool.




Stan was thrilled to be helping Laurie pick out new furniture and décor. He was also just glad to be out of the envelope in which he’s usually stuffed for travel.

One more tough call will be who is more thrilled once Laurie unveils her fresh finds from High Point.
Laurie, Flat Stanley, or you?

New treasures coming soon!

P.S. Flat Stanley returns to Georgie at Salem Lutheran soon to tell all his friends of his travels and Auntie is back in her office cooking up some new display ideas!