Our Blog

Homage to the Au naturale

No one pays homage to the Au naturale like we do. Why? Simple. Easy. Neutral. Timeless. Make it personal and make it fabulous. Make it a focal point. Make it useful. Make it a great study area or bar. Make it stylish in your powder room. Make it ornate. Make it...

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Hot & Trendy

Since it's summer we thought we'd bring you a little hotness... Hot as in what's new and fabulous, something everyone wants but not many can find. It's what we do!  Day in and day out we bring you plenty of traditional luxuries -- most of which can fit seamlessly in...

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If you are a frequent flyer at Laurie's you've probably come to notice how dedicated we are to providing seaside-themed furnishings, accessories, art, lamps, mirrors.... you name it and we have it year round. BEACH INSPIRATION We have many clients who not only stock...

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Laurie's Home Furnishings is proud to announce that we have been named as one of the 50 home furnishings retailers of 2012 as reported in the May 2012 issue of Home Accents Today! The list of nominees is sponsored by America's Mart based in Atlanta and  is known to be...

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Gold Rush!

It's no secret we love us some gold! Just take a look at the gold sprinkled throughout the store. You'll find several gilded rooms that King Midas himself would envy. Think about it....how many things have you ever seen in gold that weren't a fabulous thing? The Oscar...

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It's not just for cereal anymore! A little snap-crackle-pop will do your home good. A splash of color here and there to unify your favorite finds and bring some excitement to a room. Here we did this with a bit of orange & turquoise --- the hottest designer colors...

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