Mesmerized. That’s a good word.


And that’s exactly what happens to people when they drop by Laura’s house to check out her Halloween décor. You remember Laura.

She’s our fall decorative tray master here at Laurie’s. Who doubles as our Halloween display master.

Her 5-year-old granddaughter, Valerie, heartily agrees.


Valerie is mesmerized by Laura’s Halloween cabinet. Stares at the thing for hours, dying to touch all the holiday goodies inside. Cute kid. And we can’t blame her – either for being cute OR staring at the Halloween cabinet.


Want to make your own mesmerizing Halloween displays?

Take some tips from Laura:

Do mix it up. Laura uses a mélange of vintage-y stuff and real antiques. But you can use a mix of this, that, the other thing. Metal, wood, handmade-looking and streamlined. Mix and match as you wish. Think of your Halloween décor as a big, fat trick-or-treat sack with a big, fat variety inside.


Don’t gross out your guests. Unless your home is being used as a set for a third “Evil Dead” remake, keep the gore factor low. Gory is garish.  


Do know you can be spooky without being gory. Spooky is spider webs on purple and happy skeleton rats. Gory is spider webs with dead flies dangling in it and red-eyed, live rats. Anything with fake blood tends to fall in the gory-garish category.


Do know you can be cutesy without being nauseating. Happy skeleton rats = just the right cutesy. Baby rats with orange bows and big eyelashes = nauseating. It’s Halloween, for goodness sake. You gotta have some creepiness involved.


Do feature concentrated collections. Laura’s Halloween cabinet is a prime example here. All the Halloween you can stand arranged in a central, handsome location.


And we know it works.

Just ask 5-year-old Valerie.

But you don’t need to be 5 to enjoy Halloween!
