Our Blog
Turquoise Door
At Laurie's we like to feature other businesses in the great town of Tomball. This week's showcase is the Turquoise Door. A delightful new store that opened in June 2012. They are a co-op which features 13 local businesses. They are conveniently located at 212 W....
Annie came for a visit
Annie Selke from Pine Cone Hill came in for a visit. Wow, this woman is Fantastic. She is an accomplished business owner, innovator, and transparent personality that is a joy to be around. Annie is a forward thinker that is blowing the market away by being a leader...
Easter Decor
Hurry to Laurie's and get your Easter Decor. It is Hoppin' out the door and you want your home to look PERFECT for all your holiday company... Surely this is who you want to greet your guests...
Aunt Laurie loves a Party
Aunt Laurie loves a Party! One of her little one's just blew away 6 and welcomed 7... Check out the www.potterybyu.com in Magnolia for a perfect place to host your next party. Tell them Aunt Laurie sent you!
Grab your bonnet ... and your cutest little bundle of love and bring them to Laurie's for a HAPPY EASTER celebration OPEN HOUSE AND FREE EASTER BUNNY PICTURES March 23rd, 2013 2:00-4:00pm Come and Shop (not actual bunny, just used for demonstration of...
Spring is in Full Bloom at Laurie’s
“Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?” ― Neltje Blanchan With spring comes new growth. Come into Laurie's to see what is BLOOMING! Follow Laurie on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/laurieb2920/