about us

Aunt Laurie
She kept the farm-girl vibe going through high school, attending the same small Connell, Wash., school as her dad (not at the same time, of course). High school highlights include girls’ basketball, marching band and showing off cattle in competitions. She kept up her cattle claim to fame until she graduated from Washington State University with a major in Animal Science.
Then she was bitten by the retail bug. She launched her first shop in 1986, an 800-square-foot store called Gosling Lane on 1960 and I-45. Next up was an English business partner with whom she opened Mclaren’s in 1992. This gig took Laurie on a whirlwind ride through Europe, attending outdoor antique shows, “car boots” and meeting many of her English boyfriends she still gossips about today.
Once her biz partner turned evil and bought her out, she opened Laurie’s Antiques on a small, shabby backwards corner on 2920 and Rhodes Road. She moved to her current location in 2002, switched from antiques to new furniture in 2006, and still whirlwinds to all domestic and many offshore furniture shows and expos.
Her latest trek was to Vietnam seeking new suppliers, and she’s planning a few extensive trips to Europe for summer 2014. Other amazing plans include a remodel of Laurie’s showroom and a spectacular fall festival planned for the east lawn in September.
The story of Aunt Laurie and Allison
Laurie and I had an aquaintance that evolved into the roots as deep as family. We shared the highlights and low lights of our journey walking closely through our existence. The explanation of putting into a written description the entwinement of our togetherness seems almost impossible. But in order to pay her homage for what she has been and continues to be to me I would like to try.
Our understanding and acceptance of each other made us kindred spirits. We could feed off of each other and found comfort just by being in each other’s proximity. We had common interests and beliefs. We knew the exact chemical make up of the other and this facilitated our friendship with ease.
Our friendship held no bounds. We could talk every waking minute and cease to be able to find a break to spur silence because we were both enthralled with pure enjoyment of the conversation. We could also always find the perfect time to deliver the private message of our growing trust and love for each other.
Like no other friendship before or expectant here after, the true connectivity came because we loved to discuss all our thoughts, ideas, morals, beliefs, emotions and feelings.
When it came to these we knew how each other viewed all things. Our compasses were pointed the same true north. Having the same silent internal mechanism working in our favor cemented the friendship of a lifetime.

My love for Laurie’s friendship is like none other that I have experienced. I try to profess my adoration for what she brought into my life; to some how give you a glimpse of the depth of our friendship, but I’m not sure the clarity that will come across.
The amount of impact an outsider can influence your life is not necessarily surprising, but the situation of how the two of us met, grew together and became such a powerful presence in each others lives I feel is in fact very surprising. She needed me, I needed her…and that is what really made it work.
I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world. I was able to live my life with Laurie Jean Bauermister. She was the strongest, most energetic, most generous, toughest, most loving, most influential, and whole heartedly the best person I ever met. I will do everything I can to honor you and keep your legacy alive.
La ah, Auntie. La ah la ah la ah.